The M.Sc. in Biotechnology (Class LM-8) offers a program that combines biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, pharmacology, and microbiology with fundamentals of bioinformatics, economics, and ecology. The teaching staff comprises professionals from the world of industrial and clinical research to link the knowledge of the fundamental elements of science and technology with the skills necessary to prepare second-level graduates for a wide range of job positions.
The Degree Course consists of two distinct curricular pathways:
1. The first curriculum, called Applied Biotechnology, provides a preparation aimed at developing a deep knowledge of the theory and fundamentals of biotechnology and developing the necessary skills to perform different roles in the laboratories of public research institutions or private laboratories engaged in research or development of biotechnological products.
2. The second curriculum, called Clinical Research, aims at training professional figures such as the Clinical Monitor (also known as CRA, Clinical Research Assistant), the Auditor, or the staff assigned to regulatory activities, who perform organizational, managerial, and control roles in the field of clinical trials of new drugs. The course aims to provide basic knowledge that makes the new graduate uniquely and immediately recognizable and interesting in their profile for the Human Resources offices of the reference companies in the Clinical Research area.
The M.Sc. in Biotechnology program includes an internship, usually a 6-8 month internship project, aimed at allowing graduates to acquire additional skills necessary for their proper inclusion in research or production activities.
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