Schools of Economics, Engineering, Humanities, Law, Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences and Medicine and Surgery, Tor Vergata University of Rome.

On January 22, 2025, from 03:00 to 04.00 p.m. (CEST Time) Tor Vergata University of Rome is pleased to invite you to the International Open Day, the event dedicated to the presentation of the English-taught degree courses offered by the Schools of Economics, Engineering, Humanities, Law, Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences and Medicine and Surgery.

On this occasion, you will also learn about the specific requirements for admission to the above courses, tuition fees and scholarships, accommodation, and how to enjoy your life in Rome. You can take a Virtual Tour of our University and learn about all the opportunities our community offers to each student. This will help you decide on your future at Tor Vergata University of Rome.

Click here to register for the International Open Day. You will then receive an email with a link to access the event platform .

In the meantime meet our Student Ambassadors: SAP PROGRAM

Fondazione Rome Technopole -AWARD 2024 – Call for the awarding of scholarships open to L-2 graduates enrolled in the LM in Biotechnology

Fondazione Rome Technopole -AWARD 2024 – Call for the awarding of scholarships open to L-2 graduates enrolled in the LM in Biotechnology

As part of the policies to attract young graduates to the Universities of the Lazio Region, strengthened by the Fondazione Rome Technopole, a public call for applications has been issued for the awarding of 480 scholarships of 1,000 euros each with the aim of enhancing the second level university courses of the Lazio Region whose educational offering is consistent with the strategic areas of the Rome Technopole.

More information at the website

The recipients include students with a three-year degree in class L-2 (Biotechnology) who enroll in the master’s degree in Biotechnology

The applications for participation can be submitted starting from 2:00 pm on 14/10/2024, through the platform available at the address

Why enroll with us?!


1) sector studies (see Assobiotec reports at show that the Biotechnology sector is also rapidly expanding in Italy
2) Employment data reported by Almalaurea indicate that three years after graduation, 92.7% of graduates in Industrial Biotechnology (LM-8) in Italy are engaged in paid work. This figure is higher than the average for graduates in Medical Biotechnology LM-9 (88.1%), Agricultural Biotechnology LM-7 (87%) or in master’s degrees in the biological area LM-6 (84.9%);
3) Three years after graduation, between 2019 and 2023, employment data for graduates of the MSc in Biotechnology from the University of Rome Tor Vergata have always been higher than the national average (Almalaurea).
4) In 2023, 100% of graduates declared that they were overall satisfied with the course (ANVUR data)
5) The MSc in Biotechnology at the University of Rome Tor Vergata is the LM-8 course in Italy with the highest internationalization index (ANVUR data)
6) Our courses involve professionals from biotechnology companies and the world of Clinical Research to promote a connection between university teaching and the world of work
7) The Master’s Degree in Biotechnology offers a Curriculum in Clinical Research, unique in Italy. It is the first and so far the only Master’s program in Italy aimed at training students with all the necessary knowledge to perform essential and leading roles in the world of clinical research (Data Manager, Clinical Research Associate, Clinical Research Coordinator). All graduates from this curriculum have all found a very rapid job placement. Follow the link here for more information

Experimental Thesis in Neurobiology at the Laboratory of Prof. Antonella Ragnini

Admission Procedure at the Master of Science in Biotechnology of Tor Vergata University of Rome

We are seeking highly motivated students to undertake a laboratory experimental study for Master Thesis (LM) in Biotechnology.
Possibility to start in September -December 2024.
Project Title: Study of the mechanism of action drugs promoting remyelination in cellular models.
Remyelination is the natural process that restores the myelin of damaged axons in the adult brain. Myelin can be disrupted during life as a consequence of injury, viral infection or disease progression. Remyelination can restore saltatory current and thereby neuronal function. Unfortunately, remyelination is incomplete as a consequence of disease progression or ageing. Cumulating data suggest that pharmacological intervention can be used to restore the ability of neural stem cells to mature into myelinating Ols. We previously selected some promising drugs that need to be studied to clarify their molecular mechanism of action (Al Jaf et al., Cells 2024). Understanding how remyelination occurs in adult CNS in normal and pathological conditions will open new avenues for the possibility of treating neurodegenerative diseases among which are Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson and ageing-related dementia. Drug screening, HTS imaging and analyses, qPCR and CRISP-CAS9 KO and Knock-in are among the methodologies that you will learn during the thesis.
For position enquire please e-mail to:

Students Welcome 2024

students welcome

We are very happy to announce that also this year the Students Welcome will be held in presence!

The Students Welcome is a traditional event taking place the first weeks of the new academic year dedicated to welcoming and orientation activities for all new students arriving at Tor Vergata University of Rome.

Sign Up

What you will find

Below is a list of the available services you will find at the Students Welcome:

– Tor Vergata University (General information);
– National Health Service (SSN);
– Bank (to get information about and/or open a bank account);
– CX Rome (for accommodation information);
– Orientation Office:Information about the School of Law
, School of Economics
, School of Engineering
, School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences
, School of Medicine and Surgery, 
School of Humanities and Philosophy;
– Erasmus + Office;
– Placement Office;
– CLA (University Language Centre);
– CLICI (Centre for Italian Language and Culture);
– CUS Tor Vergata (University Sports Centre);
– Agevola (Discounts for Tor Vergata community);
– CARIS Commission (Services for students with Disabilities or Specific Learning Difficulties, SLD);
– Anti-violence Center – address: School of Humanities, Tor Vergata University
– Botanic Garden (information about cultural and leisure activities organized by the University);
– Rome Sinfonietta and the Association of Music Today Claudio Casini Choir
– Informagiovani Roma (Free information and guidance service on study and training, job and business, international experiences, volunteering, culture and free time);

For further info and to sign up click below:
Sign Up

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche: Istituto per la BioEconomia


Tipologia: Assegno di ricerca

Pubblicata la selezione per il conferimento di N°1 assegno professionalizzante per lo svolgimento di attività di ricerca nell’ambito del programma di ricerca “Cartagena” – Attuazione degli obblighi posti dal Protocollo di Cartagena sulla biosicurezza e dal Protocollo addizionale di Nagoya – Kuala Lumpur in materia di responsabilità e risarcimenti”- CUP B81G18000640005.
